lunedì 3 marzo 2025


  • with a large rock that dominates
    It is situated along the coast road Bosa - Alghero road about ... .KM from Bosa and taking the dirt road on the left which is accessed by a gate ...
  • small cove of fine sand
    It is a pearl set in the wild and unspoilt nature that makes a worthy setting in this corner of paradise ...
  • It means freshwater
    is characterized by sand and pebbles wet from a sea is clear and transparent with a white low rock which divides it into two ...
  • It is the main beach in Bosa Marina
    in the heart of town , this is a wide medium sandy beach , washed by the clear waters that slope gently ...
  • with its colorful houses and Marina
    natural and remarkable peculiarities of the seaside town but also a town full of ideas of artistic historical interest ...
  • ended yesterday evening with a concert in the central square of Bosa
    Yesterday a hot sun, despite the initial low temperatures in the morning, heated Bosa and Planargia. Locals and guests have immediate advantage, storming the stands of the feast of Campagna Amica, organized by Coldiretti ...
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