lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Cagliari underground

visit to the hidden city

Cagliari underground
A visit is inevitable that the underground city.
To enter in its bowels and its fascinating history, through the tanks dug by the Phoenicians, among all, the most spectacular is the cistern of Vittorio Emanuele II, which is reached from via Sant' Ignazio.
Some of these ancient cisterns are now welcoming and sophisticated nightlife and restaurants.
Particularly interesting is the path that develops under the church of St. Eulalia.
This site, discovered during a series of renovations, concerns findings that show the ancient and early medieval period the city.
The tour begins at the museum to continue in the underground tunnel, through artifacts extracted and now exposed in message boards, consisting of medals, coins, pottery, oil lamps and a headless statue probably depicting a priest.
The most interesting part of the finds is the paved road probably served as a ceremonial route, dating from the fourth century over the ruins of a temple of the II-III century. C. and the colonnade of the late Republican period.
Other testimonies date back to the early Middle Ages, as the tanks used as drinking troughs for animals and the watchtower later, while the discovery crypt under the church dates back to the seventeenth century.
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