martedì 4 marzo 2025

Camping Village Tonnara****

Sant'Antioco with direct access to the sea

Camping Village Tonnara****
In Sant'Antioco at the far South-West of Sardinia, Camping Tonnara with direct access to the sea faces the wonderful Cala Sapone inlet: imagine a beautiful sandy beach, nestled between two rows of polished and easy to walk on rocks, natural pools where you can dive and swim in complete safety and an indoor pool at the campsite.
In a unique place where you can breathe the magic of history: from nuraghic peoples, the Phoenicians, Romans, each has left its legacy in the monuments, traditions and cuisine.
You will be immersed in the wonder of a wild, varied and surprising nature, in the hot southern sun, where every season has its haunting beauty.
  • apertura: 23/04
  • chiusura: 02/10
  • indirizzo: Loc. Cala Sapone
  • località: Sant'Antioco (CI)
  • tel +39 0781 809058 - cell- 342.8111100
  • email:
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