lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Honey Liqueur

It is also produced in many homes

Honey Liqueur
you have

1 liter of alcohol 90 °
600 g of honey Amaro
600 ml of water
zest of 1 lemon and 1 orange
a piece of 5 cm Cinnamon approximately
4 cloves


Wash the lemon and orange peel, dry them and then place them in a glass jar with airtight, cover with a liter of alcohol and shut off the vessel, which will have to stay indoors, possibly a cupboard for 15 days.
After the time necessary to make a mixture with honey and water and add to the infusion of alcohol, but remember to first remove the peel .
Then combine the cinnamon and cloves, allow to rest for another four days, pour the prospective member, filter, bottle and cap. At the end the liquor can be stored, ready to be tasted.
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