lunedì 3 marzo 2025
  • » SARDINIA APP on your smartphone and tablet

SARDINIA APP on your smartphone and tablet

Sardinia is even more beautiful, more charming, more fun, more easy!
download the application and live Sardinia as you've never experienced!
with easytour Sardinia discover the island as you've never seen!
Choose where to stay in camping and villages more comfortable and exclusive of Sardinia, along the coast of an island dream ...
In your hands only a small smartphone or tablet, to travel to Sardinia, between beautiful beaches and picturesque villages, churches and museums along the squares and streets that tell of a unique island, an ancient culture and its great traditions, but also to discover a Sardinia unknown, secret, told by his old memory that are the finest and most authentic of a people.
All this and much more you can get it on your phone, on your iPod, on your tablet, thanks to easytour Sardinia, the application that gets you where you've never been, simply, lightly, with fun, easy, for Sardinia ... in your hands!

easytour Sardinia ... and the island is even more beautiful!

fits with your smartphone and tablet and download the Guide to Sardinia and Camping Village Faita! all in one App!

or click here to go to the page of Apple Store

or here to go on the pages of Google Play

all for free! all for You!
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    all Camping Village Faita Sardegna on the smartphone and tablet
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