lunedì 3 marzo 2025


  • in Gallura, including Padru and San Teodoro
    Video trip to Monte Nieddu
  • increase to nearly 970 mt. with Punta Maggiore
    from the top of Mount Nieddu dominates a large stretch of Gallura coast, in a truly breathtaking view ...
  • with about ten diving spots
    between Tavolara and Molara you can find an amazing underwater world, unique in the whole Mediterranean ...
  • opposite to Olbia
    the smallest kingdom in the world is a rugged high mountain 558 meters, 4 km long. wide and less than one ...
  • the municipalities of Olbia, Loiri Porto San Paolo and San Teodoro
    on the north east coast of Sardinia, from Capo Ceraso to Punta Isuledda and includes the islands of Tavolara and Molara ...
  • with the island of Tavolara, San Teodoro and then Budoni
    a stretch of coast along which extend between the most beautiful beaches of the Mediterranean, such as Porto Istana ...
  • in northern Sardinia
    picturesque route along a bizarre and varied landscape of Aglientu, Trinita d'Agultu e Vignola, Viddalba, Badesi ...
  • wonderful journey in Gallura
    in the north-east coast, coast overlooking the immediate waters of the Bocche of Bonifacio ...
  • on the promontory of Capo Figaro
    on its territory lie the most beautiful beaches of Gallura, from Cala Moresca in Cala Sabina other ...
  • boat in the sea of Gallura
    by sea, on board a boat or a dinghy, you can reach the most exclusive beaches and coves and hidden ...
  • jet-set destination of an elite tourism
    Porto Rotondo, San Pantaleo, Porto Cervo, Liscia di Vacca, Baja Sardinia, Abbiadori and then and then and then ...
  • routes in Gallura
    from Budoni to Aglientu, through San Teodoro, Porto San Paolo, Olbia, Arzachena and Costa Smeralda, Palau, Santa Teresa Gallura ...
  • The beauty of its coast has charmed the Prince Israelite Karim Aga Khan IV.
    Common independent since 1922, has begun to know his growing fame in the 50s , when the beauty of its coast has enchanted the likes of Prince Israelite Karim Aga Khan IV ...
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