lunedì 3 marzo 2025
  • » map of Sardinia

map of Sardinia

Pics and organize your itineraries in Sardinia ...
  • map of Cagliari
    routes in the province of Cagliari
    from the beautiful Costa Rei arriving at the South Coast, via Cagliari, the capital of Sardinia and Quartu St. Helena with the famous beach Poetto ...
  • map of Ogliastra
    routes in Ogliastra
    an area that fits between Cagliari and Nuoro, to offer a stretch of coastline between the most beautiful island that is the final part of a hinterland that has kept the most original features of the land of Sardinia ...
  • map of Nuoro
    routes in Nuoro province
    represents that area of the island that has maintained almost unchanged those dominant traits of the Sardinian people, projecting its natural and instinctive hospitality at the service of tourism, like a trademark, a style ...
  • map of Gallura
    routes in Gallura
    from Budoni to Aglientu, through San Teodoro, Porto San Paolo, Olbia, Arzachena and Costa Smeralda, Palau, Santa Teresa Gallura ...
  • map of Sassari
    from the coast Paradise in Alghero
    from the coast Paradise in Alghero, attreverso Valledoria and the mouth of Coghinas, Castelsardo, Stintino and Nura, with the beautiful scenery dell'Argentiera ...
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