traveling with Camping Villages of Sardinia, on the routes of the ancient Ichnusa, including steam and tradition, along the railway tracks to tell a Sardinian alternative ...
an art that reflects the nature and the rural home of the Sardinian people
carving and woodworking as in the famous wooden masks, production of knives, coral workers, the watermark, cork, granite, and then weaving, embroidery and much more ...
best known emblem of Sardinia is the dolmen, built by building civilizations nuragiche precisely, who settled on the island from 2500 BC about until a few decades before the Christian era ...
stands at the grave crisis in the mining sector and after the second war the city had to look for a new economic order, which would allow her to recover ...
with the conquest of the island by the Pisani in the Middle Ages, the city developed and then live instead a critical stage when it was conquered in the '300 by the Aragonese ...
located on the hill from which it takes its name and it is important historical evidence of Sardinia. The site has been "saved" by an attempt of urbanization due to an action of historical preservation implemented by the regional government Soru
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