lunedì 3 marzo 2025


  • stato-715-1-01.jpg
  • Promozione Estate 2015 Ogliastra Sardegna
    prenota subito la Tua vacanza nella magica Terra d'Ogliastra, lungo un tratto di costa ineguagliabile per fascino e naturalezza; Camping Coccorrocci sul mare, relax per sognare ad occhi aperti...
  • interested municipalities of Ulassai, Osini, Gairo and Ussassai
    special training limestone-dolomite mountains crossed by paths, driveways and paths for hikers ...
  • sea and inland
    It is the only one of the Tacchi d'Ogliastra to boast a strip of the sea, with Marina di Gairo, where they lie pristine beaches ...
  • routes in Ogliastra
    a series of itineraries for soprire a land still intact, for some contacts wild, where nature expresses all its charm ...
  • routes in Ogliastra
    an area that fits between Cagliari and Nuoro, to offer a stretch of coastline between the most beautiful island that is the final part of a hinterland that has kept the most original features of the land of Sardinia ...
  • the shade of a pine forest on the sea
    about a mile is the small village of Lotzorai, in ideal and strategic position to reach the famous, unspoiled beaches of Cala Luna, Cala Sisine and Goloritzè ...
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