lunedì 3 marzo 2025
  • » Feste e sagre della Sardegna

appuntamenti con la tradizione sarda

Feste e sagre della Sardegna

  • Feast of the Citrus fruit of Muravera
    It held each year in early spring
    The festival, associated with the tasting and sale of products, is characterized by a beautiful parade with costumes...
  • The Sartiglia of Oristano
    for 2014 it takes place on 2 and 4 March
    Emanuela Colombino appointed to the role of Componidori Sartiglia of 2014, the fourth woman called to play an important role ...
  • La Cavalcata Sarda
    It takes place in mid-May
    It is the most important tourist event of the city of Sassari, along with the Festa of Candelieri ...
  • Carnival in Sardinia
    carnival masks of Sardinia
    It begins , according to tradition , with the feast of St. Anthony Abbot fires , Jan. 17 ...
  • Sartiglia
    attended by the most skilled horsemen of the island
    among the most important of Sardinia, Oristano attracts every year thousands of people to attend an event of great tradition and spectacle
  • from 30 June to 3 July - L'Isola delle storie
    in Gavoi
    Every year, in Gavoi, in the Barbagia, the Literary Festival takes place in Sardinia, among the most anticipated cultural event that every year attracts readers and travelers the island of Italy and the world. Why in 2016 the Literary Festival of...
  • Omar Sosa in Sant'Antonio di Gallura
    Time in Jazz 2014 August 12 to Lu Naracu
    Appointment of great charm and participation to Time in Jazz held on August 12 to Sant'Antonio di Gallura. Omar Sosa in an extraordinary performance enchanted the audience that is rushed numerous ...
  • Cortes Apertas 2013
    Autumn in Barbagia 2013
    appointment in Nuoro with many dates from September through December ...
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