lunedì 3 marzo 2025
  • » the most beautiful beaches in Sardinia

the most beautiful beaches in Sardinia

All the beaches of Sardinia, the Gallura towards Nuoro, the Barony and then the Ogliastra, further south with the Costa Rei and Cagliari with Poetto; then direzionea South Coast, about to discover the coast of the Middle Campidano and dell'Iglesiente, that oristanese, to finish on the northwest coast with Alghero and Stintino, between color and transparency of an extraordinary sea!
  • Beaches of Cagliari

    province of Cagliari routes beaches

    The Cagliari has more than 400 km of coastline that are the destination of millions of tourists from all over the world and, at the center, one of the most beautiful Italian cities, with its harbor, with its historic center: Cagliari and ... then Villasimius Muravera and Costa Rei, Pula, Nora, Chia, Teulada ...
  • Beaches in Ogliastra

    Ogliastra itineraries beaches

    A small province Ogliastra, which lies between two territories strongly characterized by the typical features of the land of Sardinia, Nuoro the north and the south of Cagliari. And of these lands Ogliastra is the perfect synthesis ... from Baunei Tortoli, from Bari Sardo Lotzorai, from Gairo Cardedu and then the hinterland ..
  • Beaches Nuorese

    Nuorese itineraries Beaches

    Here are the most beautiful beaches of Sardinia, from Capo Comino to Berchida, from The Cove in Biderrosa Cala Luna, in a stretch of coast that enchants, for its beauty, for its naturalness. A holiday in Nuoro is to discover the essence of this extraordinary land ...
  • Beaches in Gallura

    Gallura itineraries Beaches

    Discover here the beautiful beaches of Gallura, Olbia to Golfo Aranci and the Costa Smeralda and then more on to Palau and Santa Teresa Gallura with the show Maddalena Archipelago; on the other side along the stretch of beach that faces the island of Tavolara to Porto San Paolo, San Teodoro, Budoni ...
  • Beaches in the Sassarese

    Sassarese itineraries beaches

    The north west of Sardinia preserves some of the most beautiful spots of the island, in its historic centers, in its archaeological sites, in its coastlines and its beaches. Alghero is recognized as one of the most fascinating, while Valledoria is known for its area of great environmental value ...
  • beaches in the Oristano

    Oristanese itineraries beaches

    It is a territory, this, that assembles fascinating marine scenery surrounded by beautiful beaches, a wild cliffs that rise between sky and sea, places that tell their simplicity hospitality typical of this land, to offer a holiday where the value of the human relationship blends with the beauty of the area ...
  • Beaches in Middle Campidano

    Campidanese itineraries beaches

    the area of 1500 sq km. enclosing a series of landscapes and natural emergencies that make the Middle Campidano one of the most extraordinary land of Sardinia, on all Piscinas dunes that stretch along the Costa Verde in the municipality of Arbus, among the destinations most coveted territory ...
  • Beaches of Sulcis Iglesiente

    Carbonia Iglesias itineraries beaches

    A harsh environment in some ways, very delicate in other aspects, with beautiful protected areas like the Sulcis Park, Mount Linas and Mount Caravius. The Iglesiente remains one of the least affected by tourism, which has well preserved its natural beauty, offering itself to the visitor and the traveler as a piece of Sardinia authentic and worth discovering.
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