lunedì 3 marzo 2025
  • » Sardegna a Tavola between specialties and wines

Sardegna a Tavola between specialties and wines

The Sardinian cuisine has its origins in the traditional country and austere, one of the products of the earth and of pastoralism, including primarily the bread made in different ways: the most famous is the thin carasau, the bread of the shepherds which is preserved in time, renamed with the poetic name of music paper, made with durum wheat flour, yeast and salt.
Among the variants of carasau, the bissau of Benetutti, the Spianata of Ozieri Civraxiu Campidano, the Pistoccu Ogliastra.
Other breads are the Coccoi, hard paste, Lu Coccu Gallura, without yeast and baked in the ashes, and Su Coccone and Su Coccoroi made with bran.

Always linked to the rural origins is the production of cheese, represented primarily by Pecorino produced in different grades (pecorino, Fiore Sardo, Pecorino Romano, canestrato), but also by Provole (casizzolos) and cheese from cow's milk or goats, between including those of Dorgali and Fonni.

The prominent place among the pasta dishes, soups is occupied by cereal (including on farri with barley flour, and knows fregula with durum wheat), vegetable, bread and soup, and soups, including Soup Gallura with stale bread, broth and cream cheese.
Most famous are the Malloreddus, Sardinian gnocchi usually served with sauce
tomato, ground beef and sausage, and maccarrones, made with durum wheat and water. Among the stuffed pasta, are to taste various types of ravioli that depending on the area are called Anzelottos, Culurgiones and culingiones, stuffed with ricotta and spinach, meat, cheese with potatoes and mint, ricotta and orange peel .. .
Another first is the traditional Sardinian bread Frattau already mentioned above, the famous and tasty soup made with layers of bread carasau. Yummy is also Fregula, coarse semolina durum wheat transformed with art into small balls toasted.
Do not forget that the Ferritus, tagliatine twisted around a knitting needle that take the shape of a spiral.
Recently, some restaurants have taken up a dish for a long time forgotten, although it is a tradition that is lost in time, a pasta in broth whose preaparazione is very complex, but goodness is truly remarkable: Su  Filindeu.
Diffuse are also Panadas, a kind of pizza or calzone, stuffed with vegetables and meat trite and eaten as a first or snack, and Cascà (very similar to kus kus Arabic) characteristic of some areas of the south of the island.

Among the Seconde Bring, symbol of Sardinia is the Porcetto, suckling pig cooked on a spit made of wood strawberry tree, oak, mastic. Of course, being an island and a sea so rich maritime culture is expressed in a variety of preparations genuine and of high quality; there will be spoiled for choice with Lobsters, Mussels of Olbia, Cagliari and Oristano of clams, mullet dell'Oristanese (with or without the herb to know mreca) and the Burrida, served either as a starter that dish, made with fish dogfish, oil, chopped nuts, vinegar and spices and eaten after marinating.

Finally, the desserts, most made with sweet and bitter almonds, honey and saba (cooked must). Often, depending on the location, the names change as for ricottelle and Formaggelle that become Pardulas and Casadinas, so for Tiricche calls Tiricche or Teliccas; and then again the candelaus, cakes dgueffusi almond paste, water, sugar and orange flowers, similar to fellow sighs. Also there are the Aranzada of Nuoro, the Gattò with almonds and caramel flavored with orange, the Papassini, Sa Sompìa Siniscola Amaretti of Carloforte, Ozieri and Oristano, the nougat of Tonara, Ricotta myrtle and honey and Finally, the most famous among the sweets, that Seadas or sebada, which can be found almost everywhere, rounded filling of melted cheese, sprinkled with honey.

At the end of the meal as a digestive is a must a shot of flavored liqueur Mirto, resulting from black-purple berries macerated in alcohol and sugar, molasses, or brandy, known depending on the area, such as Abbardente, Fogu de Sardinna, Gennargentu Filuferru).

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