lunedì 3 marzo 2025


  • It includes the rock and the Catalano Maldiventre Island
    20 km long. and large-5 is an important area that includes wetlands and wildlife sanctuaries, as well as a wonderful coastline ...
  • capital of western Sardinia
    a few km Marina di Torre Grande is a destination for international tourists with its wide beach and the Grand Tower of the XVI century ...
  • a coastline with beautiful beaches
    from the white beach of Porto Alabe in Marina Tresnuraghes, at Is Arenas, S'Archittu, S. Giovanni di Sinis, Torregrande and other ...
  • with the Sinai Peninsula and the island of Maldiventre
    the western part of the island is that of the open sea, the infinite that opens before his eyes, the ancient history that recounts the island, in the ruins of Tharros, a pearl that embellishes extraordinary surroundings ...
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