lunedì 3 marzo 2025


  • a pretty village born tailored for tourism
    Pretty hectic and is an epitome of proposals, because here the sea is synonymous with shopping, with nature, with history, with traditions ...
  • photos of southern Sardinia - Costa Rei
    images from the Costa Rei
  • images of the coast of Cagliari and its hinterland
    Photographs that tell the beauty of the capital city of Sardinia and its province. A journey from the sea to discover, including panoramic views of details, an area which is a tourist destination ...
  • 400 km. of coastline and rich hinterland
    covers much of the south east of Sardinia, affecting a large coastline, which stretches for nearly 400 km., from Villaputzu in Teulada, and a part that penetrates far inland where they remain clear signs of a story ...
  • the long beach of Cagliari and more ...
    symbol of Cagliari summer tourism and beyond. The Poetto has always been a meeting place, to times of when, this wonderful deep and broad strip of sand, attracted beach lovers and not only ...
  • historical tours of Cagliari
    located on the hill from which it takes its name and it is important historical evidence of Sardinia. The site has been "saved" by an attempt of urbanization due to an action of historical preservation implemented by the regional government Soru
  • visit to the hidden city
    To enter in its bowels and its fascinating history, through the tanks dug by the Phoenicians ...
  • in the Gulf of Angels
    an ideal location to visit the capital of Sardinia, through routes that lead to the discovery of extraordinary views, including places of worship and ancient palaces, museums and historical attractions of a city among the most beautiful in Italy ....
  • routes in the province of Cagliari
    from the beautiful Costa Rei arriving at the South Coast, via Cagliari, the capital of Sardinia and Quartu St. Helena with the famous beach Poetto ...
  • includes Villasimius, Castiadas, Muravera and Villaputzu
    From Villasimius to get to Villaputzu, through Castiadas and Muravera is a kaleidoscope of colors, scents, flavors, that taste of antiquity, but also of modernity ...
  • an underwater world to discover
    Seabed rich in marine life and an interesting wrecks War that make the area one of the most beautiful scuba diving ...
  • in the southernmost part of the beach of Costa Rei
    Its location and the alternation of rocks and small sandy coves, gives this stretch of coast image paradise, enriched by beautiful backdrops and the wrecks of Capo Ferrato ...
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