lunedì 3 marzo 2025
  • » restaurants and pizzerias recommended Faita Sardinia

restaurants and pizzerias recommended Faita Sardinia

Make no mistake it is always better to take advice, you agree?
That's why this section, the request from many of you who rightly believe also helpful to have this type of information, as the restaurant is a critical part for a vacation, even to enter into the folds of the gastronomic traditions of the territory.
All restaurants and pizzerias are present here are recommended by Faita Sardinia, an overview of different types of rooms that meet the most varied demands.
  • Ristorante Isola dei Gabbiani
    inside the Camping Village Isola dei Gabbiani
    the chef Manuele Pisanu will help you regain your senses at the table making you to know his version of the typical dishes of the Sardinian tradition...
  • Restaurant Pizzeria Samarcanda
    connected to the camping Village Porto Corallo
    positioned close to the sea, on the beach of Porto Corallo, it is appreciated not only for its location, also for the cuisine of unquestionable quality ...
  • Restaurant Pedra e Cupa
    adjacent to the pool
    a beautiful and good solution to live in comfort the holiday, with the opportunity to taste the specialties of Sardinian cuisine in comfort, all at your fingertips ...
  • Restaurant Pizzeria Ermosa
    inside the camp
    followed by the owners, the Pizzeria Restaurant offers meat and fish dishes for a living all to enjoy, even at the table ...
  • Farmhouse Su Canonigu
    connected to the Village Camping Sos Flores
    in the family, the farm On Canonigu is located in a cultivated estate with citrus groves that stretches for about 15 hectares ...
  • The Kings Sardinian Restaurant
    on Alghero bastions
    aromas and flavors are the common thread of a dining experience that leads to the discovery of simple dishes, respecting the traditional local recipes ...
  • Restaurant Telis
    Great food and an enchanting view
    among the local neighborhood favorite, for the quality of products using the shell, for the skilful preparation, but also for its beautiful terrace ...
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