lunedì 3 marzo 2025
  • » SPIRITS of Sardinia

SPIRITS of Sardinia

Next to the table wines and dessert, there was also the production of local spirits herbal, such as Mirto, the Villacidro and others, as further proof of the renewal and modernization of viticulture island.
The history of the land of Sardinia, in theme distillates, recounts his most curious and suggestive pages through the most traditional and typical distillate of Sardinia: the fil'e ferru.

  • Genziana drink
    It ' a drink obtained from a typical plant, gentian, which grows in the meadows and mountain pastures . It has digestive properties and medicinal ......
  • Filu ferru
    Brandy Sardinia fil ' and ' ferru
    Drink a high alcohol content, colorless, non- flavored whose scents remind so more or less marked the wine scents and designations of origin macro…
  • Liqueur Limoncino Sardo
    Wash and dry with care with lemons , done that Cut the rind of lemons and put together alcohol (only peel without the white that would make the bitter liqueur) in a large glass jar ...
  • Honey Liqueur
    It is also produced in many homes
    Wash the lemon and orange peel, dry them and then place them in a glass jar with airtight, cover with a liter of alcohol and shut off the vessel, which will have to stay...
  • liqueur Juniper
    a good tangy flavor
    Put the juniper berries inside the alcohol diluted with 150 ml of water. Leave it for a month, shaking the pan once a day. After the time required to dissolve the sugar in 150 ml of water...
  • the Mirto
    The Mirto di Sardegna is a liqueur from the red color obtained from the infusion of hydro-alcoholic myrtle berries, of which it retains the characteristic aroma, with the addition exclusively sweeteners like sugar or honey. It's equipped with...
  • thistle liqueur wild
    Likori de gureu
    Alcohol, a lovely pale yellow color, pleasantly bitter flavor. Often the liquor, packed in transparent glass bottles, in infusion may contain a thistle piece ...
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