lunedì 3 marzo 2025
  • » parties, festivals, events in Sardinia

parties, festivals, events in Sardinia

Considerable interest from the point of view of tourism are the countless festivals, fairs, parades, tastings of typical products and other attractions that enliven towns and cities throughout the year. Among the best known, even internationally, the manifestations of the carnival period of Oristano, where there is the impressive ceremony of the Sartiglia, and that of Mamuthones Mamoiada, including carnivals most interesting in Europe. In winter it also reminds the fascinating tradition of the fires of St. Anthony (mid-January). Representative of the local folk events, the Sardinian Cavalcade (penultimate Sunday of May) in Sassari, with thousands of extras parading on parade in the city center. On May Day is held in Cagliari Sant'Efisio, in memory of the saint who saved the city from the plague with procession, costume parades and Sardinian songs. Equally spectacular is the Feast of the Redentore in Nuoro (penultimate Sunday of August). Particularly loved by Sardis, and not to be missed for the tourist, the typical rural parties, which usually take place around a religious building in the country and outside, where in addition to the ritual of worship is offered to all present to eat all ' teaches the company and happy atmosphere. Deeply felt religious holidays between Easter processions with the rituals of the deposition of Christ and his resurrection. Exciting vision of S'Ardia, the biggest equestrian festival in Sedilo, where two teams of horsemen contend the flags of the opposing group. In June, the site of St. Leonard, in Santulussurgiu, unfolds the fascinating fair Horse Sardo. Among the events of August, the festival of Sassari Candelieri.
And many many other events accompany the summer of Sardinia, in the name of tradition, memory and local custom.

  • Feast of the Citrus fruit of Muravera
    It held each year in early spring
    The festival, associated with the tasting and sale of products, is characterized by a beautiful parade with costumes...
  • La Cavalcata Sarda
    It takes place in mid-May
    It is the most important tourist event of the city of Sassari, along with the Festa of Candelieri ...
  • Carnival in Sardinia
    carnival masks of Sardinia
    It begins , according to tradition , with the feast of St. Anthony Abbot fires , Jan. 17 ...
  • Green Train of Sardinia
    for a journey of the past!
    represents an alternative way and impressive to visit the interior of Sardinia through four tourist routes relaunched twenty years ago ...
  • Easter in Sardinia
    the end of March in Sardinia for Easter services
    Easter time is full of original manifestations, processions Spanish taste of the Mysteries or confraternities, the striking and much followed ceremonies "schiodamento" and "meeting" ...
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