venerdì 24 gennaio 2025
  • » reach Sardinia by boat and plane

reach Sardinia by boat and plane

Sardinia is spread over a wide stretch of coast along 1340 km, made of long beaches and small beaches, beautiful coves and rocky stretches. Also to be considered the islands of Sardinia, those north of La Maddalena and Tavolara, southwest Carloforte, in addition to the minor, but always beautiful in the eyes of the tourist, as Asinara, Maldiventre, Molara and other having more than a hundred kilometers in total.

By Sea
From the Italian peninsula to the nearest point to Sardinia is the Promontory of Orbetello which is about 180 km, while just over 200 is the distance from Cape Linaro at Civitavecchia; Livorno, one of the major ports of reference to the island, the kilometers that separate it from the main port of call that is Olbia, about 280, while Genova are just over 300.
The shorter the tract Olbia - Civitavecchia, other popular "access road" to Sardinia.
Other ports of call those gift island of Porto Torres, Golfo Aranci, Arbatax and Cagliari.

Another very interesting solution to reach Sardinia is by air, since it is sufficient hour flight to the international airports of Olbia Costa Smeralda, Alghero Fertilia Cagliari, with scheduled flights and low cost, combined with the rental car to optimize time and sometimes costs.

Thanks to this transport network the island is well connected to the Italian peninsula, but not only, as some shipping companies leading to and from Spain (Barcelona), while those airlines connect it to all Europe.
Another solution by sea is also the one permitted by Corsica, through which you connect to different ports of France, while the short stretch of the Strait of Bonifacio leads from Bonifacio to Santa Teresa Gallura in about an hour.

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