venerdì 24 gennaio 2025
  • » the holiday in Sardinia with your dog

the holiday in Sardinia with your dog

Tourism, according to the company, is evolving, changing and arrive as a result, new demands.
For operators of Sardinia Faita these innovations and these changes are of study and discussion, to provide the most appropriate responses and in tune with the demands of the guest.

A phenomenon in sharp rise is tourism in the company of their pets, a continued increase in demand, with numbers which amounted to a 25% of Italians, in line with tourism from abroad, unlike the French tourism that is however, much higher.

For this campsites and villages Faita Sardinia are more dog friendly, so with standards and rules of procedure to allow the customer and friend dog a comfortable and full-blown and security.

The rules of procedure of the structures Faita Sardinia is individually designed according to different structural features and "thinking", and covers various content, such as the rules of conduct of the internal structure (leash, muzzle hygienic bag ...), the areas of free access to the animals, any tricks about cleaning the rooms and / or apartments, the possibility of leaving the dog friend alone in their room and everything else ...

Much of the tourism industry in the open air of Faita Sardinia are covered by an insurance policy for any damage caused to persons, things or congeners.
Many of them offer various services including dog and catsitting, providing the number and address of the animal health that provide a management service veterinary emergencies.
Provision of bowls, bouncers, pillows ... and also, on request, special foods.

To make the most pleasant and comfortable stay and holiday customers pet owners structures Faita Sardinia have a printout containing the information and useful contacts, as well as the list of beaches dogfriendly and activities that pets, such as restaurants, pizzerias, holiday farms, in addition to the hiking adequate.

When booking, the guest who brings the dog friend is informed about the rules and prompted a check list about his pet (info on the character, health ...) in order to be adequately prepared on arrival .

Moreover, at the time, will be controlled health record (treatments for endoparasites, ectoparasites, vaccinations, antirabies vaccination for clients from abroad, certificate of good health).

Many facilities Faita Sardinia dog friendly sites are recognized in the field, including

  • Campsites Villages Faita Sardinia dog friendly
    where in Sardinia with your dog
    Faita Sardinia, with its camping sites and villages, is leading to a wonderful vacation in the company of his dog ...
  • Dog beaches in Gallura
    a bathroom with the four-legged friend
    The beaches are limited and in summer you can not find a place, so it is advisable to inquire through the website of the beach ...
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