lunedì 3 marzo 2025
  • » movies and videos of Sardinia

movies and videos of Sardinia

Video and movies of Sardinia, history and territory, parties and moments of participation, but also amateur footage of those who wanted to stop moments of joy, beauty, carefree ...
  • Ogliastra kayaking - Cardedu
    living the sea of Ogliastra between nature and sport
    living the sea of Ogliastra between nature and sport
  • Video trip to Monte Nieddu
    in Gallura, including Padru and San Teodoro
    Video trip to Monte Nieddu
  • the Green Train of Sardinia
    Tourism is also this ...
    traveling with Camping Villages of Sardinia, on the routes of the ancient Ichnusa, including steam and tradition, along the railway tracks to tell a Sardinian alternative ...
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