lunedì 3 marzo 2025
  • » camping and tourist villages of Sardinia

camping and tourist villages of Sardinia

Camping in Sardinia choose the area and see camping and Villages recommended...
  • incoming cagliaritano

    Camping and resorts in cagliaritano

    vacanze in Sardegna

    The province of Cagliari covers much of southern Sardinia, affecting a large coastline, along which lie the best campsites and villages on the island, halfway between the beauty of the sea and the ancient history of a people ...
  • incoming nuorese

    Camping and resorts in nuorese

    vacanze in Sardegna

    The nuorese has the strong taste of the traditions of Sardinia, where he still lives and nearly intact. A holiday in the camps and villages of nuorese is to come into full contact with the flavors and aromas of the island more real, for unforgettable days in the open air ..
  • incoming Ogliastra

    Camping and resorts in Ogliastra

    A territory to discover, able to surprise for his views, for its authenticity. Places where life goes slow, between its small squares, its cobbled streets, its small villages to which encircle a coastal charm poignant ...
  • incoming Gallura

    Camping and resorts in Gallura

    The Gallura is home tourism Sardinia. This territory is the highest essence of the island, is where does the culture of hospitality, where there are the most famous structures in the world, where lies the coastal stretch that made Sardinian island of dreams ...
  • incoming Oristanese

    Camping and resorts in oristanese

    Oristano and its territory recounts the early history of the island, where man has found the first settlement, between quell'istmo of land that is the Sinis, which stretches into the sea and that welcomes Tharros, the oldest city Sardinia ...
  • incoming sassarese

    Camping and resorts in sassarese

    Extends its coast in the northwest of the island, where there are places that make Sardinia the goal among the most coveted in the Mediterranean. From Costa Paradiso Castelsardo, from Alghero to Stintino Asinara, is a succession of fabulous pictures ...
  • incoming campidano

    Camping and resorts in campidano

    A variety of beaches and cliffs characterizes these shores, from Capo Pecora, Scivu, Piscinas, Portu Maga, Campu 'and Sali, Gutturu' and Flumini, Funtanazza, Porto Palma, Arbus, Pistis and finally the promontory of Capo Frasca to border with oristanese ...
  • incoming iglesiente

    Camping and resorts in Carbonia Iglesias

    In his heart, and on the surface, from darkness to light, the Sulcis Iglesiente contains extraordinary treasures, such as the mining complex, a UNESCO heritage, while its coastline and pristine preserves wild landscapes of rare beauty ...
  • Camping and Village in Sardinia
    all camping village guaranteed by the brand Faita Sardinia
    Wherever you want to go from north to south, from east to west, a Camping Village Faita Sardinia will be ready to welcome you to offer you the best of outdoor holiday ...
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