lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Omar Sosa in Sant'Antonio di Gallura

Time in Jazz 2014 August 12 to Lu Naracu

Omar Sosa in Sant'Antonio di Gallura
Appointment of great charm and participation to Time in Jazz held on August 12 to Sant'Antonio di Gallura.
Omar Sosa, in a stunning performance, enchanted the numerous public come to attend an intense moment of music and communication.
The star of the contemporary jazz scene with the plan only gave moments of magic, turning this little corner of Gallura, in itself full of charm, in a theater for an hour and a half was the center of the world.
Born in 1965, native of Camagüey, the Cuban musician Omar Sosa is eclectic and versatile talent: pianist and composer, arranger and leader of various formations, in his poetic weaves elements of jazz, world music, contemporary and electronic sound effects with his Afro-Cuban roots to give shape to a fresh sound and original, from the Latin heart.
An event that marks a historic step in the idyllic village of Gallura.
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