martedì 4 marzo 2025

Feast of the Citrus fruit of Muravera

It held each year in early spring

Feast of the Citrus fruit of Muravera
The most important festival of Muravera was born in the recent past to honor the undisputed lords of the land: citrus fruits, particularly valuable here.
It is held annually in early spring, in April , and contains many events including conferences and exhibitions, museums and travel competition ( including that of Murals ), tastings of local products and folk and musical performances.

The festival, associated with the tasting and sale of products , is characterized by a beautiful parade island costumes and oxcarts that represent the traditional occupations of the territory
The program includes a large parade through the main street of the folk groups from all over Sardinia, the Etnotraccas and Traccas, characteristic colorful floats, folk groups and Launeddas musicians, dancing and closing with a big party in the main square of the town.
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