domenica 26 gennaio 2025

Baja Sardinia

along the Costa Smeralda in the town of Arzachena

Baja Sardinia
About 20 km. from Arzachena, at the eastern end of the Bay, Baja Sardinia is gathered around its lively square overlooking the beautiful beach of Battistoni.
A place created to measure the tourists, with hotels, villas, bars, restaurants, shops, the development of which was parallel to that of the Costa Smeralda, in which Baja Sardinia ranks.
In addition to the activities beach, Baja Sardinia is known for its intense social life that animates the nights of the coast, especially in recent years represented by the Phi Beach. which in summer fun and entertain thousands of young and old, in a lovely setting of Forte Cappellini, characterized by small coves and rocks that, in the evening light, takes on a lovely atmosphere.
Forte Cappellini was built in 1700 by the Piedmontese army, blending in the coastal scenery and supports Tre Monti, which takes its name from three granite boulders combined, offering an attractive shelter for boats and swimmers and drawing a stretch of coast really impressive.

Do not miss hiking destinations like the one at the Capo Ferro Peninsula, in front of which there are the small islands of Cappuccini and the Biscia.
On the way to Porto Cervo, you will reach the residential village of Poltu Cuatu (Quatu), with a modern and spacious Marina while, a little further on, lies the beach of Pitrizza; to Arzachena found Cala Bitta and Lu Nibaru.
For hiking enthusiasts, the ideal goal is offered by Mount Moro, with beautiful and scenic walks.
Moving from the center to the east lies the Hill of Battistoni, which offers a beautiful view of the Costa Smeralda.
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