venerdì 24 gennaio 2025

Porto Cervo

the heart of the Costa Smeralda

Porto Cervo
In March 1962 a small group of international financiers, headed by Prince Karim Aga Khan, created the Consorzio Costa Smeralda with the aim of developing a large area of ??the tourist town of Arzachena, including in the current range of about 55 km long coast. from Liscia Ruja at Liscia di Vacca (a book is written by Paul Riccardi "At the court of the Aga Khan" published by Delfino Editore).
On land affected were gradually built a number of prestigious structures that attracted elite tourism, from luxury hotels to exclusive villas that became the summer destination of high society and the world economic power, drawing the interest of the magazines that promoted the life of the Costa Smeralda in the world.

This important project was from the start the intention of preserving the beauty of the area, through the respect of particular buildings and design, in respect of the natural landscape.
And 'so that was born the style emerald, inspired in large part to the construction characteristics of rural Sardinia can fit unobtrusively among the rocks and vegetation of the coast.

The heart of this golden world is the resort of Porto Cervo, synonymous with Costa Smeralda, a tangle of narrow streets, porches and steps that converge in his famous Piazzetta, overlooking the bay and connected by a wooden bridge at Porto Vecchio, crowded in high season from luxury boats and sailboats.
To the north of the bay, is Porto Cervo Marina, the new and large marina, interesting for boating enthusiasts, onto which particular architectures including a tower, made of granite and basalt, and the Yacht Club Costa Smeralda.

In panoramic location is the beautiful original church of Stella Maris, designed by the architect Michele Busiri Vici, which is accessed by the majestic bronze doors by the sculptor Luciano Minguzzi and which preserves a Mater Addolorata designed by the painter El Greco; the church, usually home to concerts of classical music, is considered an architectural symbol of the Costa Smeralda and includes all styles of Mediterranean.
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