martedě 4 marzo 2025

San Pantaleo

fraction of Olbia born in 800

San Pantaleo
About a dozen of Arzachena, near Punta Cugnana, San Pantaleo is a country of the past characterized by a picturesque landscape, with views of granite and cork forests and oak woods, méta habitual painters and sculptors.
Fraction of Olbia born in 800 in the evolution of a small country house, is dominated by Mount San Pantaleo reaching 450 m at Punta Muvrone.
The country is the home of artists and craft shops of high artistic level, they work for the granite, iron, wood and a special clay obtained from local rocks, called stoneware and ceramic-like, usually painted with natural colors.
San Pantaleo is an inevitable stop on a visit to northern Sardinia, maybe at the market that takes place every Thursday.
Other events are the Feast of St. Pantaleo, which takes place the last Sunday of July, the Dance Marathon event in late August which takes place in the main square, and the Feast of St. Salvatore from Horta, in loc. Monticanaglia the first Sunday of May.
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