lunedì 27 gennaio 2025

Olbia surroundings

a beautiful stretch of sea and beaches

Olbia surroundings
A few km from Olbia to Golfo Aranci, along the coastal road, is Pittulongu, a beautiful and large beach of white sand washed by a crystalline sea.
Followed by many other beaches equally fascinating and well served, as La Playa, Lo Squalo, Il Pellicano, Mare Rocce, Bados and Sos Aranzos.
At about ten kilometers north-east of Olbia is the Gulf of Marinella, and just beyond Porto Rotondo.
To the Costa Smeralda, successive coves as Cugnana with a nice Camping Village, and Portisco.
From Olbia to the south, extending Lido del Sole, the Saline beach, Li Cuncheddi and, about 10 km, Porto Istana and Marina Murta Maria.
Nearby is the promontory of Capo Ceraso and the Costa Corallina.
Olbia offers a range of solutions to experience the sea and the beach, while inland are also many interesting places that offer visitors the image of a more rural land, where the culture and traditions have been preserved by the advent of tourism.
Hence routes leading to TempioPausania, in Monti, Telti, in Calangianus, to "Sant'Antonio di Gallura," Berchidda and many other centers of small but strong suggestions.
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