martedì 4 marzo 2025

Camping Village Li Nibari ***

adjacent to the sandy coast of Marina di Sorso

Camping Village Li Nibari ***
Camping Village Li Nibari overlooks the Gulf of Asinara on the coast near the town of Sorso, the center of Romangia, region full of Mediterranean crops like grapes and olives.
The hotel, overlooking the sandy coast of Marina di Sorso, near a water park, offers the possibility of horse-riding, jogging and surfcasting.
The wide range of services, the availability of housing units in the village for 4/6 people, all air-conditioned and fully independent, the surface fully covered by trees make Camping Village Li Nibari a village where comfort and tranquility never fail , all year long.
Bungalows and mobile homes, caravans and pitches, all perfectly integrated in an environment of great serenity and tranquility, are solutions that soddisfere all needs, for a holiday in total plein air. "Camping Village Li Nibari also has 2 swimming pools, multi-sports courts for tennis, soccer, volleyball, basketball, beach volleyball. An entertainment staff ensures appointments with fun and well-being throughout the day.
Camping Village Li Nibari is the ideal holiday, behind the wide beaches of the north coast of Sardinia.
  • apertura: maggio - ottobre
  • indirizzo: Loc. Marina
  • località: Sorso
  • tel +39 079 310303
  • fax: +39 079 310306
  • email:
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