prenota subito la Tua vacanza nella magica Terra d'Ogliastra, lungo un tratto di costa ineguagliabile per fascino e naturalezza; Camping Coccorrocci sul mare, relax per sognare ad occhi aperti...
the Italian magazine in Tour has devoted a special issue to Sardinia with editorial care of by Roberto Rossi , editor and correspondent from Olbia ; the magazine pulled in over 60,000 copies went to exhaustion in a few days ...
favorite destination for lovers of windsurfing and kitesurfing , but also for fans of walking and riding , thanks to the eucalyptus forest which lies along the entire beach ...
bathed by clear water from blue green color, with a large pine forest that runs along the beach , it is very popular with fishing enthusiasts and snorkeling ...
it takes its name from the mouth ( foxi ) of the stream Bau Samu here ends its run and enters the sea characterize this stretch of marshy coast and rich vegetation ...
a promontory that separates it from the beach at Torre di Bari
is an expanse of white sand mixed with smooth pebbles , lapped by azure blue sea that is characterized by its natural appearance , for some stretches wild ...
the green of the pine forest that stretches along the beach makes it especially enjoyable and relaxing break , as well as offering environmental fascinating scenic features ...
It is the natural continuation of the long golden beach of Lido delle Rose ending near the lagoon also called Iscrixedda , which is the name of the zone ...
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