martedì 4 marzo 2025

traditional crafts

an art that reflects the nature and the rural home of the Sardinian people

traditional crafts
Ancient weapons that are rooted in the nature and the rural home of the Sardinian people. Original objects made still following the old manual, as with wood carving, particularly widespread in mountainous areas such as those of Barbagia, for the production of tools, furniture and the famous wooden masks Mamuthones, Su Bundu and Merdules.
Relevant to the economy, the cork extracted from the Quercus Suber (cork oak) already used by Nuragical for insulation in dwellings (S'Urbale Tethys) and by the Romans for the construction of sandals and coverage of amphorae; Gallura is located in what is considered the capital of the Italian cork, Calangianus, where the birth of the first factory dates back to 1851.
Always started by the Romans granite quarrying, increasingly prevalent in Gallura for the presence of the imposing granite massif of Mount Limbara. The use of rushes and raffia, asphodel and parts of barks of various colors, are cleverly used to weave baskets, baskets, mats and baskets, spread a little 'everywhere.
A considerable wealth of colors and shapes characterize the weaving and embroidery of blankets, tapestries, carpets, shawls, hats, costumes, for which we continue to use rustic wooden frames by hand; have to remember the carpets of Aggius, embroidery Bosa or shawls of Oliena.
Practiced since the twelfth century, the art of filigree, used today mainly for the production of jewelry associated with typical Sardinian costumes and all'adornario used for parties and weddings; well known are faith Sardinian and carnelian Nuoro.
Processing jewelry also includes coral, red gold of Sardinia, whose quality is higher among those who are in the world; Alghero is a major production centers.
Representative also the craft of ceramics and pottery, tied to an ancient past with a high aesthetic value expressed in various shapes and colors. The forging of the blade, for the production of the jackknife practiced in Sardinia, the record rate in a small center of the Logudoro, Pattada, hence the name of the typical knives shepherd (sa pattadesa).
For fans of horse harness, there is the production of saddles and bridles craft, as well as cartridge belts, backpacks and on cossu (vests calfskin) made to Santu Lussurgiu, dapper pastoral center in the province of Oristano.
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