giovedì 19 dicembre 2024

Reserve Faita Sardinia Save

affordable prices Faita conventions Sardinia

Reserve Faita Sardinia Save
Faita Sardinia offers to all customers affordable rates stipulated in agreement with all transport companies.
Call now and ask for a quote, the best rate you find here, with Faita Sardinia Thy most beautiful holidays in the very best conditions !!!

(From For all customers who book with a tight structure to FAITA Sardinia offer many advantages for the trip by Ferry to Sardinia.
Thanks to the agreements signed with different companies from Faita Navigation structures will offer a complimentary code Discount valid for the route chosen. For more information please contact directly one of our Camping.

Convenzionate companies with FAITA

sardinia ferries

sardinia ferries
Benefits up to 30% Off
logo moby
15% discount in low season and 10% in High Season
logo tirrenia
15% discount in low season and 10% in High Season


Grimaldi Lines, Compagnia di Navigazione leader for passenger transport on the motorways of the Mediterranean, offers maritime connections with Sardinia, both from the Continent and from Spain. Departures throughout the year from Civitavecchia and Barcelona to Porto Torres and from Livorno to Olbia.

Grimaldi Lines has signed an agreement with FAITA Federcamping SARDINIA, thanks to which there are discounts for customers who book a stay at campsites and villages belonging to the Sardinians FAITA.
The discounts are valid on all routes to and from Sardinia, shall apply as follows:
- 15% * for departures from January to June and from October to December
- 10% * for departures in July, August and September
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