lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Restaurant Pizzeria Samarcanda

connected to the camping Village Porto Corallo

Restaurant Pizzeria Samarcanda
A restaurant 4.5 / 5 for Tripadvisor, missing half voticino for a full 5 that corresponds to "more can not"!
Beautifully situated close to the sea, on the beach of Porto Corallo, it is appreciated not only for its location, also for the cuisine of unquestionable quality.

Dishes that express freshness and authenticity, but also refined cooking school, restaurant Pizzeria Samarcanda is a reference point for a broad and loyal customer base.
Fish especially among mussel soups, stir-fry, fish of the day and much more, but also excellent meat dishes, accompanied by local vegetable crops to taste the goodness in their full fragrance.
For pizza lovers the offer is wide and varied, while cooking in a wood oven guarantees the greatest expression of taste and naturalness.
The friendliness and hospitality are the icing on a cake of the most exquisite in the area.
To end a good myrtle served in frosted glass and garnished with leaves of the plant!
  • apertura: stagionale
  • indirizzo: Loc. Porto Corallo
  • località: Villaputzu
  • tel +39 070.9938012
  • email:
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