lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Restaurant Telis

Great food and an enchanting view

Restaurant Telis
Telis restaurant is among the best local places to eat, for the quality of products using the shell, for the skilful preparation, but also for the terrace which opens a wonderful view of the bay below. The latter can be the icing on the cake, the staple rouge a treasure chest, because this is Telis.
The dishes with fish are a guarantee of quality, as the local property has the most important and historical Ogliastra, coming out every day fishing boats to carry Ruva a variety of fish ready to be served on the boards of all restaurants area.
And of course also by Ristorante Telis.
Freshness and genuineness therefore guaranteed, as well as variety and good food and wine pairing. The Pizzeria prepares specialties to satisfy every taste, crispy and tasty wood-fired oven. also ideal for an aperitif, to appreciate the magnificence of the sunset over the bay of Porto Frailis. An absolute delight, not to be missed!
  • indirizzo: Via Porto Frailis, 1 - loc. Arbatax
  • località: Tortolì
  • tel +39 0782.667140
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