venerdì 24 gennaio 2025

La Cavalcata Sarda

It takes place in mid-May

La Cavalcata Sarda
The most important tourist event of the city of Sassari, along with the Festa of the Candelieri, the Sardinian Cavalcade, attracting thousands of tourists and lovers of tradition along the streets of the city.
Strong spirit of participation in this event on the island of Sardinia, evidence of the radical nature and significance that this event represents.

This ancient folklore and cultural event, which takes place in late May, is the parade of several folk groups from all parts of Sardinia (2013 edition were 64) who parade on foot, on horseback or on traccas, characteristic floats decorated with flowers and traditional objects).

The show gave a thousand colors of the typical costumes worn, enriched with precious embroideries and filigree jewelery, sounds, songs, dances that are party to the frame, as well as by the performance of horses and horsemen in pairs and exuberant acrobatics that take place in the afternoon at the racecourse citizen.
At the sound of launeddas and accordion, the day ends in the great square of Italy, the aromas and flavors of Sardinian land.
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