martedì 4 marzo 2025

Porto Rafael

wanted by the Spanish count Raphael Neville

Porto Rafael
About 1 km. in the direction of Arzachena, a detour on the right leads to the village of Porto Rafael, which can be reached accompanied on the left by the massive Forte Altura.
The village is announced from the small church of Santa Rita, the left of which a path, passing through the midst villas hidden by dense vegetation, down to the pretty main square, overlooking the small beach, a real living room in a Mediterranean style.
To see more than to describe!
A resort renowned for its exclusivity and the peaceful atmosphere, never even dented movements summer.
Returning to the open space of the church and past the roundabout you reach the Yacht Club Punta Sardegna which, together with that of the Costa Smeralda, annually organizes a popular regatta Trophy Formenton.

Continuing, then turn onto a dirt road on the left, which leads to the lighthouse at Punta Sardegna, with views of the island of Spargi and Cala Corsara, and later to a small lookout tower. From here a dirt road, not very easy but workable, it leads to the beautiful and quiet beach of Cala di Trana.
Access is also possible from the street Palau-S. Teresa, where you leave your car and walk down to the sea.
After returning to Porto Rafael, we continue towards the fort until you see, on the right, an indication to the Costa Serena, reaching the settlement touristic sea that you leave on the left.
A next junction on the right leads to Poltu Cuncatu, a small inlet with outcrops of granite rocks smoothed particularly emerging from the water, where it is impossible to miss a nice bathroom. To his right there is reunited with Cala of Trana.
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