lunedì 3 marzo 2025


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  • inside the Camping Village Isola dei Gabbiani
    the chef Manuele Pisanu will help you regain your senses at the table making you to know his version of the typical dishes of the Sardinian tradition...
  • Camping Village Baia Saraceno promotion 2016
    Villaggio Camping Acapulco is located in a beautiful location, nestled on one of the most beautiful scenery of the north coast of Sardinia, with its 17,000 square meters. extension...
  • Camping Village Acapulco promotion 2016
    Villaggio Camping Acapulco is located in a beautiful location, nestled on one of the most beautiful scenery of the north coast of Sardinia, with its 17,000 square meters. extension, overlooking the majestic enchanting archipelago of La Maddalena...
  • in Palau, near the Acapulco camping
    diving and snorkeling to discover the underwater world ...
  • to Santa Teresa Gallura
    located near Mount Canu dates back to the Middle Bronze Age (1600-1300 BC) and has an external width of 2.45 m. about ...
  • at the foot of the famous rock dell'Orso
    tafone huge granite that the wind and salt have honed over thousands of years and transformed into a work of art ...
  • calm sea on one side, the other moved
    the isthmus sandy which opens in two crescent bays, a paradise for windsurfers, all year round ...
  • wanted by the Spanish count Raphael Neville
    renowned for its exclusivity and the peaceful atmosphere, never affected even in the high summer season ...
  • overlooking the Maddalena Archipelago
    locations frequented in summer, thanks to its natural resources and its beaches ...
  • on one side the sea, the other the former saltworks
    From Palau to Cannigione, arrived at the campsite Capo d'Orso, drive another 300 m to the beach ...
  • Palau near Capo d'Orso
    From Palau towards Capo d'Orso, you arrive after 4 km Hotel Capo d'Orso, along 500 m continue on the path on foot ...
  • town of Palau, in Gallura
    Starting from Palau to Santa Teresa, routes 1 km, turn right after 2.5 km and turn left towards Punta Sardegna ...
  • Palau, in Gallura
    Starting from Palau to Olbia, made nearly 1 km, turn right and take the signs for Porto Raphael, arrived at the crossroads turn left for Punta Sardegna ...
  • Palau, near the Camping Acapulco
    As you enter the SS 125 to Palau, before arriving at the level crossing, turn left, follow signs for Campsite Acapulco ...
  • to the Isle of Gabbiani, in Gallura
    From Palau to Santa Teresa Gallura at almost 2.5 km turn right to Porto Pollo, continue for 3 km and the beach of Porto Pollo ...
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