lunedì 27 gennaio 2025

Porto Rotondo

a few km from Olbia

Porto Rotondo
Welcome to a corner of earth that smells of cistus, myrtle and mastic trees, which is fascinating for its inventiveness and beauty. In a beautiful stretch of coast north of Olbia, overlooking the Gulf of Cugnana and lying on the peninsula of Rudalza with Punta Volpe, Porto Rotondo is pride for Italian tourism elite international level.
In a perfectly circular bay, hence the name "Round", this jewel is created after the same company of the Costa Smeralda, in 1963 by the will of the two brothers from Venice Dona Rose, who wanted to recreate the atmosphere of Sardinia a privileged life as in the City of the Doges and its suspension bridges over the waters.

A place that today is a natural paradise, surrounded by the peace of the Mediterranean vegetation, the preferred destination for those seeking peace and relaxation, in contact with nature and the sea, but also for those who love the life of society, through local hangout in and elegant, fine shops and restaurants.
The heart of Porto Rotondo is an exclusive and gracious Piazzetta San Marco, designed by Andrea Cascella, from which branch off several streets and a stairway leading to the church of San Lorenzo, in modern forms of exposed granite and roof of a ship's hull, Its interior is tastefully decorated with wooden sculptures of Mario Ceroli, an artist who also built the nearby Open Air Theatre, carved in granite, by 1995.
Overlooking the harbor of fishermen, is the Piazzetta Casbah, designed by Sangregorio, considered the lounge of Porto Rotondo, under whose arcades alternate lovely shops where it is impossible to refrain from shopping.

In this context, where the harmony of each corner was handled by the projects of famous architects, there is also the Marina with a port of the best equipped and beautiful in the Mediterranean, recently expanded, along with the club-house, with an important restyling, able to accommodate the elite boating.
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