martedì 4 marzo 2025

Camping Village Baia Saraceno ***

overlooking the beautiful Maddalena

Camping Village Baia Saraceno ***
The Camping Village Baia Saraceno is located directly on the Sardinian coast of one of the most beautiful beaches of La Maddalena. It is about 600 mt. from the town center of Palau and occupies an area of 30,000 square meters.

The Village offers Caravans, Bungalows and Mobil homes with kitchen, private bathroom, bed linen, hot and cold water, light 220V, kitchenette equipped for 4 persons, gas, refrigerator.
Here we spend an unforgettable holiday by the sea, in contact with the nature of Sardinia.

Active holidays for lovers of surfing, diving, boat trips and horse riding, not to mention plenty of relaxation and fun.
  • apertura: marzo - ottobre
  • indirizzo: Loc. Punta Nera
  • località: Palau
  • tel +39 0789.709403
  • fax: +39 0789.709425
  • email:
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