venerdì 24 gennaio 2025


along the coast of Barbagia

Barbagia also boasts a coastline on the Tirreno Sea consists of the town of Dorgali overlooking the sea with the beautiful resort of Cala Gonone, in the Gulf of Orosei.
Dorgali, on the slopes of Monte Bardia, particularly known for the ancient craft handcrafted leather, ceramics, jewelery, weaving, as well as for the production of wine Cannonau.
The center offers a visit to the eighteenth century parish church of St. Catherine and the Archaeological Museum.
Remains found in the countless caves and archaeological sites of the area is the central theme of the visit which includes a collection of arrowheads from flint and obsidian, fine pottery Neolithic decoratissime, an idol in bone, the brassard used to protect the wrist of the archers , the digging tools, axes and knives in stone.
Showcasing exposes the rest of a meal votive kept inside bowls unearthed in a cave to witness the daily lifestyle of prehistoric peoples.
The tour winds through exhibition of objects of Nuraghic, matrices merger steatite who forged the spear in bronze, a phallic symbol in stone attests to the importance of the cult of fertility, numerous whorls necessary for the transformation and processing of the wool.
From the deep waters of the Abyss of the Virgin of the Grotte of Ispinigoli come Jewelry invoice Phoenician in memory of landings in the Sardinian coast of ships of this nation of sailors and traders.
Necklaces, earrings, bronze tools and other artifacts anticipate the last room dedicated, as well as various underwater findings, the Roman period, with oil lamps, coins and a bronze copy of the diploma of the Sardinian Tunila mercenary who fought under the banner of the army Imperial
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