lunedì 3 marzo 2025


  • It is accessed along a pretty impressive staircase
    from Cala Gonone along the Viale del Bue Marino and then via the scenic road past Cala Ziu Martin ...
  • behind the town of Cala Gonone
    well served by bars and pubs of every kind, retail and hospitality is dominated by an impressive rocky wall ...
  • near the town of Cala Gonone
    sea of blue- green hues, transparent and crystal clear, gently sloping seabed, is ideal for families and children ...
  • on a stretch of pristine beach
    Cala Cartoe beach is a beautiful stretch with kiosk , behind which lies a small pond ...
  • the long beach of Marina di Orosei
    ample parking and refreshment in the vicinity , is accessed from Orosei town along a dirt road heading south ...
  • an inevitable stop on a visit to the territory of Nuoro
    accessible by sea or through a path made with a trek of about 3 hours leading to the sea ...
  • the sea at the foot of the Barbagia
    nestled in the Gulf of Orosei is surrounded by beautiful beaches that stretch along a beautiful coast line ...
  • along the coast of Barbagia
    barbaricino tourist center overlooking the Tirreno Sea with the beautiful resort of Cala Gonone ...
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