lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Porto Torres

across the Gulf of Asinara

Porto Torres
Overlooking the Gulf of Asinara, Porto Torres was founded in the first century. B.C. Romans (Turris Libysonis) and later became the capital of the Judged of Logudoro before Sassari (XI sec.).
Its port, important docking point for the northern Sardinia, is dominated by the imposing Aragonese tower fourteenth century.

The ancient origins remain important remains of Roman baths, called Palazzo di Re Barbaro, on the way Roman Bridge, and the remarkable Basilica of S. Gavino, the largest island in the Romanesque-Pisan completed in 1111.
Also important is the powerful Roman bridge over the Rio Mannu, with its 7 arches, in good condition dating from around the first century. A.C. ..

Very nice walk along the coast road to Castelsardo and the center reaches the vicinity of Platamona, beautiful resort with a variety of tourist facilities.
On this stretch of coast, easily reached in a few minutes walk from the center of Porto Torres, stands the lovely church of Balai, while in the vicinity lies the beautiful beach of Balai.
Recommended to visit the Antiquarium Turritano that preserves artifacts from excavations of the ancient city, including ceramics of Republican and Imperial Age.
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