martedì 4 marzo 2025


area of the sea lies at the foot of the ancient village

The Anglona is the region that lies between the Gulf of Asinara, Gallura, Logudoro and agro Sassari and Castelsardo it is the main center.
The town is famous for the appearance of its historical center, perched on a promontory overlooking the sea and country.
Originally called Castelgenovese behest of the Doria family, was renamed by the Spanish Aragonese Castle with the current name in 1769, under the government of Piedmont.

The upper part of the ancient village, visited on foot, is called Su Casteddu, while the flat at his feet, Sa Pianedda; through the narrow streets of the medieval village, in addition to the many craft shops and local products, are the Cathedral of St. Antonio Abate, with bell tower in Aragonese style, and the church of S. Maria, home of the famous procession of Lunissanti , one of the most fascinating island religious events (Monday of Holy Week).

In the highest part of the promontory, the fortress doriana houses the Civic Museum of Mediterranean, dedicated to craft processing of wicker, ancient tradition of the country.

South of Castelsardo, about 11 km., Is the church of NS Tergu (XIII sec.) in Pisan-Romanesque style; south-east, however, along the S.S. 134, you can see the so-called Elephant rock formed from lava material while on the road to Sedini, about fifteen km., You can see a monumental Domus de Janas.

The beach area stretches before the entrance to the old town, in loc. Lu Bagnu, where alternate small beautiful beaches to rocky stretches of discreet charm.
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