lunedì 3 marzo 2025
  • » resorts in Sardinia

where to go in Sardinia

  • Marine Protected Area of Tavolara Punta Coda Cavallo
    the municipalities of Olbia, Loiri Porto San Paolo and San Teodoro
    on the north east coast of Sardinia, from Capo Ceraso to Punta Isuledda and includes the islands of Tavolara and Molara ...
  • From Olbia to Budoni
    with the island of Tavolara, San Teodoro and then Budoni
    a stretch of coast along which extend between the most beautiful beaches of the Mediterranean, such as Porto Istana ...
  • Budoni
    holiday between sea and inland
    gracious and hospitable seaside resort stretches along a coastline of 18 km of crystal clear sea and ...
  • Punta Molara gardens
    also called " the Mediterranean "
    it is a path along which are rooted the most typical plant species of the Mediterranean ...
  • Lagoon of San Teodoro
    routes in San Teodoro
    They admire inevitable colonies of pink flamingos among myrtle and juniper, mastic, rosemary and cysts ...
  • from Aglientu to Costa Paradiso
    in northern Sardinia
    picturesque route along a bizarre and varied landscape of Aglientu, Trinita d'Agultu e Vignola, Viddalba, Badesi ...
  • The Piccolo Pevero beach
    small and exclusive
    from Porto Cervo, follow the signs to the Pevero, after 400 m, turn left ...
  • Santa Maria
    Maddalena archipelago
    on the eastern slope of a sequence of small islands that are safe haven for many species of seabirds ...
  • Island Razzoli
    Maddalena archipelago
    its shores are rocky and is dominated by the lighthouse, which offers an excellent view over the whole Archipelago ...
  • Budelli Island
    Maddalena archipelago
    known for the famous Spiaggia Rosa, whose color is due to the microorganism deposit Miniacina miniacea ...
  • Spargi
    Maddalena archipelago
    many coves including Cala Corsara and along the east coast is a succession of coves ...
  • Island of Santo Stefano
    archipelago of La Maddalena
    the closest to the coast of Sardinia, with a part of the American military base, it land in Cala Sailing Marina
  • National Park Archipelago of Maddalena
    with an environmental education center
    The Park includes the entire territory of the municipality of La Maddalena, all the islands of the sea and the surrounding ...
  • Caprera Island
    connected to the Island of La Maddalena
    since 1981 is Nature Reserve and is home to the White House , permanent home of Giuseppe Garibaldi in 1856, today Museum ...
  • La Maddalena
    only town in the archipelago
    with the island of Maddalena, Caprera, Spargi, S. Stefano, Budelli, Santa Maria and Razzoli it is called the seven sisters ...
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