venerdì 24 gennaio 2025


a holiday between environment and tranquility

North of Castelsardo, and about 50 km. from Sassari, the town of Vallejo was formed in 1961 with fractions that were already part of Castelsardo and Sedini.
The resort is located on the site of the ancient Roman village of Codes, hence the other name Codaruina.
The name of the center has a fairly recent and originates from the Ligurian family Doria that, around the twelfth century. built in defense of his possessions, a castle that still dominates the valley.
Having suffered devastating epidemics in the Middle Ages they did disappear numerous villages, the center recovered demographically in 1800 with assistance from the Government of Savoy and the migration of farmers and shepherds Gallura.
In the 30s, the area underwent an intensive development due to intense work of land reclamation, due following the frequent flooding of the river Coghinas Casteldoria testified from the reservoir; Following in the area, totally drained, accentuated its agriculture by introducing the cultivation of artichokes and tomatoes present mainly in the plain of the Coghinas.

More recently, in the mid-70s, Valledoria taken another big leap to become a major tourist center.
A Valledoria is definitely the most suitable size to accommodate tourists in comfortable facilities, for a holiday in the open air, surrounded by nature, thanks to camping which are the main references of local accommodation.
Ideal for those seeking peace and tranquility, but also for those who love to have fun and cimentrasi in sports, Valledoria overlooks the north coast, the Gulf of Asinara and the mouth of the river Coghinas.

Offers an excellent location that lets you reach in about an hour and a half all the main northern Sardinia, from Alghero to Stintino, Sassari, Olbia, La Maddalena, the Costa Smeralda, but also the purest heart of the island, as Ozieri, Bosa, Macomer, Nuoro and Barbagia.
The entire surrounding natural landscape is characterized by the presence of the river Coghinas which, after a tortuous journey of about 123 km., Finishes its course right at Valledoria, forming one of the largest deltaic plains of the region.

The presence of the river, the second of Sardinia, contributes to the formation of a wide sandy strip along the entire coast, with its white beaches of considerable size.
The remarkable naturalistic environments delta has been recognized in Europe with the establishment of a Site of Community Interest (SCI) called Mouth of the Coghinas.

The visit to the center of Valledoria offers the presence of the parish of Christ the King, a recent building opened in 1974; inside are of particular importance the ambo, the altar, the vessels of the sanctuary, the statue of Christ the King, the panels of the Via Crucis of the ceramist Joseph Silecchia and terracotta panels in the Eucharistic chapel created by the artist Mario Nieddu.
The main villages and tourist areas of the City are San Pietro a mare, Baia Verde, Maragnani, La Ciaccia and La Muddizza, rich beaches lapped by clear sea.
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