venerdì 24 gennaio 2025
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  • » The game of football in Sardinia

The game of football in Sardinia

born in 1903 Ilva Football Club, in 1920 the Cagliari Football Club

The game of football in Sardinia
The origins of the company.

In 1893 begins the adventure of Italian football with the founding of the Genoa Cricket and Athletic Club. Thirty years before the British had codified the rules of the new sport then exported worldwide. Even in Sardinia, starting from the north. We have news of games played in Calangianus, in the late nineteenth century, workers and technicians who worked on the British construction of a railway line, immediately arousing the curiosity for this new discipline, which later become the national sport par excellence. In 1903 born Ilva Football Club, two years later it was the turn dell'Olbia. The strategic location and the traffic of British ships also that fed the city of Cagliari, could not, however, develop, around the capital of the greatest interest and the greatest participation. Which is the first real game reported by the press will be played right here , in a morning s autumn of 1900, including a group of students and a team of Cagliari Genoese sailors arrived in town a few days earlier aboard an old steam. Theatre of the challenge, a piazza d'Armi full of puddles because of Downpour the night before, while the ball will be leather, but the shape is not exactly spherical was! The doors were represented by two sturdy tree trunks and the victory went, according to predictions, the Ligurian, more experienced and physically strong. The defeats of the island teams, however, did not stop here, as in 1911, the team of the Company Gymnastics Amsicora away in Turin for a tournament against scafate continental formations, produced resounding defeats, but also a lot of experience. On 30 May 1920, on the will of the surgeon Gaetano Fichera, born Cagliari Football Club, so also the Sardinian region can boast its team official.
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