lunedì 3 marzo 2025

History of Carbonia

born in the early '900

History of Carbonia
The history of this center is recent.
The city of Carbonia was in fact created in the early '900, in full fascist period and from that he took his first name Mussolinia.
The city had arisen as a result of increased demand from the mining of the central State; with the crisis in the sector after the second war the city had to look for a new economic order, which would allow her to recover.
Already since the insight to relegate a connotation of tourism, with the increase of accommodation facilities and the organization of a series of events that could attract visitors thanks to preserve the medieval village built during the rule of Pisa, gave satisfactory results, that profile will resume in a more effective the last two decades.
Carbonia despite its foundation dates back just fairly recently, holds in its subsoil several archaeological finds that refer to the Neolithic. Most of these found were discovered inside the numerous caves scattered throughout the territory.
The complex nuraghe Sirai are to testify that the presence of man, however, in these parts is very remote, to refer to the history of the territory dell'Iglesiente.
This area experienced a wave of strong migration during the nineteenth century, when Alberto La Marmora made the discovery of coal deposits.
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