martedì 4 marzo 2025

The Kings Sardinian Restaurant

on Alghero bastions

The Kings Sardinian Restaurant
In this restaurant we serve only fresh Sardinian products, freshly prepared, capable of enhancing the essence and the true flavors of Sardinia.
A kitchen where the smells and the true flavors are the central theme of a dining experience that leads to the discovery of simple dishes, respecting the traditional local recipes.

Every day a careful search for the best of what it offers the fish market, choosing every single fish to take on the boards of the King's.
In the kitchen you can feel the sincere passion for this job, the real reason for the success of this restaurant, beautifully situated on the ramparts of this town a destination for international tourism.
Innovation and experimentation, while respecting traditional cooking, make the King's one of the local favorites and the most popular in the area.
  • indirizzo: Via Cavour 123 - Bastioni Marco Polo 5
  • località: Alghero
  • tel +39 079.979650
  • email:
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