lunedì 3 marzo 2025


  • on Alghero bastions
    aromas and flavors are the common thread of a dining experience that leads to the discovery of simple dishes, respecting the traditional local recipes ...
  • Camping Village Mariposa holidays 2016
    Mariposa Camping is situated directly on the beautiful coast of the Riviera del Corallo, in a pine wood with eucalyptus and juniper trees that extends to the beautiful white sandy beach of Lido di Alghero...
  • near Palmadula in Sassari
    on one side with large boulders of limestone with a separate docking of boats , the other the beach to relax in the sun ...
  • in the picturesque scenery of dell'Argentiera mines
    lying at the foot of the mining village closed in 1962, it has a beach that mixes sand , gravel and mineral dust washed by the crystal clear sea ...
  • golden sand and many small shells
    dominated by three towers of Spanish sighting of the XVII sec., Porto Ferro beach stretches for about 2 km and marks the northern limit of the Coral Riviera ...
  • in the bay of Cala Viola
    favorite theater by fans of photographs and video footage of the Marina Tower Beach is dominated by the hill on which stands a Saracen tower ...
  • lovely beach in Porto Conte
    From Alghero direction Fertilia on the SS 127a , runs about 9.2 km and turn right towards Capo Caccia, drive another 5 km and turn left for Porto Tramariglio and reach the beach.
  • It owes its name to the tower overlooking the bay
    it is a wide beach , made ??up of white sand very fine grains , is bathed in a sea painted by a thousand shades of blue ...
  • one of the favorite beaches of Alghero
    It is from the center towards Fertilia , proceeding along the coast ; after about 2.5 km turn left into corrisponedenza an alert ...
  • near Felicita
    Along the coast to the north , near Felicita , you get to the beach on the Lido taking the homonymous name ...
  • near the town
    On entering the village, past the marina you reach the beach...
  • beautiful town in the heart of the Coral Coast
    with a historic center of the most beautiful of Sardinia, Alghero stretches northwest of the island ...
  • on the Coral Coast, in the beautiful Alghero
    Hospitality is wide and varied, from the pitches equipped Rooms, Bungalows, Mobile Homes and Cottages for a tailor-made ...
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