lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Farmhouse Su Canonigu

connected to the Village Camping Sos Flores

Farmhouse Su Canonigu
Connected to the Sos Flores Camping Village, from which is about 2 km, and in the family, the farm On Canonigu located on an estate planted with citrus grove that extends for about 15 hectares.

Large spacious living room where you can enjoy good local cuisine, also perfect at conferences and various ceremonies.
The dishes are prepared with the use of quality raw materials and according to the most typical tradition.
The restaurant is attached to the bar where guests can enjoy a drink and socializing.

Via San Gemiliano 8
Tortolì (OG)
  Tel. +39 0782 667485
Fax: +39 0782 624627
  • indirizzo: Via San Gemiliano 8
  • località: Tortolì
  • tel +39 0782 623 671
  • email:
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