martedì 4 marzo 2025

Villaggio Camping Sos Flores ***

in the heart of Ogliastra

Villaggio Camping Sos Flores ***
Sos Flores campsite resort rises along the beautiful beach of San Gemiliano in Tortolì, deep in the green and on the shores of crystal clear Sardinian sea. It is the ideal place for couples or families who love to spend a truly relaxing holiday discovering Ogliastra’s beauties and flavours. The resort offers different accommodations, from the basic and cheap ones to the most comfortable and luxury ones.
The campsite part offers big and shady tent spots, with beach front spots availability during low season.
You will enjoy the lovely food in our Restaurant and Pizzeria, a drink at our main bar or at the beach front cafè.
A well assorted supermarket will offer anything useful for your stay, as well as a pay as you go laundry.
The newly renovated showers and toilets will offer free hot showers and hairdryer usage.
Our activities staff is composed by professionals who will entertain everybody, from the small children to the grown ups with music, dance sessions, games and shows.
Sos Flores offers free access to Tennis court, 5 a side football pitch and beach volley court to all his guests.
Wi-fi and parking are also free of charge and pets are more than welcome.
  • apertura: maggio - ottobre
  • indirizzo: Loc. San Gemiliano
  • località: Tortolì
  • tel +39 0782.667485
  • fax: +39 0782.624627
  • email:
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